Maintaining your sewing machine

Regular cleaning and oiling of your sewing machine can greatly improve its performance, extend its lifespan, and prevent costly repairs. In this article, we'll discuss why it's important to clean and oil your sewing machine regularly and provide basic maintenance steps to keep it in top condition.

Why is it important to clean and oil your sewing machine regularly?

  1. Regular cleaning and oiling of your sewing machine can improve your sewing machine's performance, as it reduces friction and helps the machine run smoothly. This means that you'll have an easier time sewing, and the machine will produce better stitches.

  2. By regularly cleaning and oiling your machine, you can extend its lifespan. This is because dirt and dust can build up over time, which can cause the machine to malfunction and break down. By keeping the machine clean, you'll prevent this from happening.

  3. Regular maintenance can help prevent costly repairs. When a sewing machine is not properly maintained, it can become damaged or break down, requiring costly repairs or even replacement. By keeping the machine clean and well-oiled, you can prevent these issues from occurring.

Basic Maintenance Steps

  1. Clean the machine: Start by removing any visible dust, lint, or debris from the machine. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or lint from the machine's surface, as well as the bobbin case, shuttle, and feed dogs. Be sure to clean the machine after every use to prevent the build up of debris.

  2. Oil the machine: After cleaning, it's essential to oil the machine. Apply a small amount of sewing machine oil to the designated parts according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not over-oil the machine as this can cause other problems! It's recommended to oil the machine after every 10 hours of use. Please refer to your sewing machine's manual for specific instructions on oiling your machine.

  3. Replace the needle: The needle should be replaced after every 8-10 hours of use, or when it becomes dull or bent. A dull or bent needle can cause the machine to skip stitches or break the thread. Always use the correct size and type of needle for your project.

  4. Check the tension: Make sure the machine's tension is set correctly. Incorrect tension can cause the thread to break or the machine to skip stitches. Refer to your sewing machine's manual for specific instructions on adjusting the tension.

Regular cleaning and oiling of your sewing machine are essential for optimal performance, longevity, and cost savings. With these basic maintenance steps, you can keep your sewing machine in top condition and enjoy many years of happy sewing.