We plant a tree for every fabric order received via our website! This month we are supporting a fantastic reforestation program in New Zealand! New Zealand is home to unique forest ecosystems, including kauri forests, kahikatea swamp forests, pōhutukawa forests and mixed broadleaved forests. These support a diverse flora and fauna that evolved in the almost complete absence of land mammals and are almost entirely made up of native bird species found nowhere else. However, native forests like these have suffered from centuries of logging, forest clearance and invasive species that have reduced them to a fraction of their former range. This reforestation program will plant thousands of trees to restore the island’s indigenous forests and create habitat for wildlife, while stabilising hillsides to prevent erosion and protect local watersheds.
This brings the Rubyjam Fabric Tree Planting Total up to 2629.
Thank you so much to everyone that has helped us plant these trees. It means the world to us!